Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New News!

Привет все в Русский клуб!!! (Hi, all in Russian Club!)

We have a movie night in the planning - you should have been tagged in the note on facebook to go check out the various titles and vote on your favorite! We'll know the location soon, and I'll post it on facebook as well as here. If you weren't tagged in the note or can't view it, let me know via email and I'll fix that.

We now have an adviser - Assistant Vice-President for International Education, Dr. Gonzalo Bruce!

We'll have our status as an RSO voted on soon now that we have all we need to do for ASG. I'll let you know when that happens :)

So far we've got Abby and I as Co-Presidents, Tyler Johnston as Secretary-Treasurer, and places still open for anyone who wants to be Historian. We meet a little later this week, due to an overlap with German club for me and Abby (Well, feel free to meet at 8am exactly - we'll just be a wee bit late) Meeting as usual at the Inner Bean for conversation and coffees~

Lets be thinking of what we want our little group to do! Any fieldtrips? I'll be on the lookout for ballets, operas, etc - I know the Russian-America community in KC has the occasional festival.

Don't forget to go vote for your fave movie!! I've had a hard time deciding since I made the list - they all look good, but I'll vote by the end of the day.

До свазй, друзья! (Bye friends - or literally - Till Connection, friends)
- Клара

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