Thursday, October 4, 2012

Planning fun stuff!

Привет русский клуб!

This week we practiced talking about Russian foods (see the last post), enjoyed some chocolate, and chatted about a possible field trip down to Tulsa in order to buy some Russian goodies and maybe a trip to Kansas City for the National Russian Orchestra in February? What do you think? 

Lets pick a date for our bake sale. Sometimes in mid to late November?

Next week I'll bring some cd's of Russian songs for you guys and a little present you can win with a tiny little quiz of your Russian skills! Don't worry - I'll give you the answer here in this blog post, so you ust have to practice it :)

I'm happy to announce that Stephanie Plummer will be our secretary; you'll be seeing her posting  on here occasionally from now on. 

The positions of treasurer and historian are still open if there are any takers~ Oh, as well as Vice President, as Abby has resigned due to a busy schedule.

Also - Movie night! Lets plan this out next week as well. I will post a list of the movies I have before our next meeting. We can schedule a room in Plumb hall I believe, and post up some flyers around campus.

Ok, your chance to win the prize I will give away next wedensday is this:

I will say to you:

Два щенка щека к щеке щиплют щетку в уголке.
(Dva shchenka shcheka k shcheke shchiplyut shchetku v ugolke.)
Two puppies cheek to cheek nibbling brush in the corner.

The one who repeats it the clearest will win! 

(This is gonna be a tricky little thing for me too XD) 

And before I leave you, I'll post a video of Russian dance troupe Barynya performing цыганка/цыганский (Russian Roma "Gypsy") dance.
And more Russian dance from Barynya:

  Oh, and don't forget to follow this blog in your email to have immediate updates in your inbox~ just fill in your email in the little box on the side bar to the right.

See you all wednesday at 7pm at the Inner Bean!
До следующей недели! (see you next week!)

p.s. I still have some Russian chocolates at my desk in the Center for Student Involvment in the Memorial Union - come on by and grab one!

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